Full List of Papers
Published Papers
1) Benign Coital Headache relieved by partner's pregnancies with implications for treatment. BMJ Case Reports 2010; doi: 10.113
2) Acupuncture in the treatment of keratoconus
_Reference: Conference Proceedings (p29) - CMIR Integrated Medicine
Conference, Royal College of Physicians, London 17.18 March 2007_
3) Dexter S L Rebreathing Aborts Migraine Attacks
Br Med J (Clin-RES) 1982 Jan 30 Vol 284 (6312) ISSN 0267-0623
Significant interest -Footnote in Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine-Longmore and Collins 1982
4) Blau J N, Dexter S L Hyperventilation during Migraine Attacks
Br Med J 1980 May 24 Vol 280 (6226) P1254 ISSN 0007-1447
5) Dexter SL, Graham, A N Johnston, E S Ratcliffe, D M Wilkinson M I Rose A J
Double blind controlled study of paramax in the acute treatment of common and Classical migraine
Br J Clin Pract 1985 Oct Vol 39 (10) P388-902 ISSN 007-0947
6) Dexter S L Thirty two cases of coital headache.
Presented at the Meeting of the 2nd International Headache Symposium in Copenhagen 1985 and published in its proceedings.
7) Dexter S L Zimeldine induced neuropathies.
Hum-Toxicol 1984 Apr Vol 3 (2) P141-3 ISSN 0144-5952
8) Dexter S L Hanington E Henry J
Assessment of low dose Aspirin (40mgs) in the prevention of migraine. Proceedings of Royal Society of Medicine 1981 (ref - needs checking).
Other Articles:
1) Dexter SL Migraine and Recurrent Head Pain: Some Facts Maternal and Child Health 1990 Vol 15 (&) P196-7.
2) Dexter S L Managing Headache and Referring Cases Pulse 1989 March 4, P86 4.3.89.